
Merchants will now have their own app : Payconiq GO.

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Bancontact Payconiq Company introduces Payconiq GO, an app created specifically for merchants. This app allows merchants to accept Payconiq payments directly on their smartphone by manually entering the transaction amount themselves.

Merchants do not need a payment terminal to accept Payconiq: a simple QR code is sufficient. This QR code is shown on the recognizable pink sticker displayed at the cash register. And from now on, it is also available in the new app for merchants: Payconiq GO.

With this new app, merchants can now accept Payconiq payments on their smartphone and also manually enter the transaction amount. All that’s left for the consumer to do is scan the QR code and confirm the payment. The Merchant immediately receives a confirmation in the Payconiq GO app that the amount has been paid. Until now, it was the consumer who had to enter the amount when using the Payconiq sticker. “At Bancontact Payconiq Company, we aim to always keep pace with technological evolutions. So, launching an app for merchants is yet another step in this direction,” says CEO Nathalie Vandepeute.